
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Red Ferrari - Gift Box

Dad likes cars. Dad likes nice cars. Unfortunately I have zero expertise in this arena. Enter Mr. P, who also likes nice cars. I asked him for his input. I wanted something specific and something exciting. After just a few moments of thought, he pulled out his phone and did a Google image search: "Ferrari badge." 

I was sold immediately.

I would paint the outside of the box red, the inside black, the inner rim yellow, and paint the badge on the top. Then a couple coats of shellac over the whole thing.

2 coats of black paint on the inside. Will have to clean up the rims for the yellow.

It was at this point where I realized I needed to change tact with the red paint. It was going on translucent and streaky. After a quantity of cussing and mixing, I figured it out.

Next up came the badge. It was a horse. I haven't drawn a horse in 20 years. This called for practice, and fast practice since I was on a tight deadline.

Horse ankles. So lovely, so frustrating.

Once comfortable with the drawing, the text, and the scale, it was time to recreate it on the box. I painted the badge shape in gesso, then used yellow pencil crayon to section off the badge and sketch in the horse.

The horse and the text got a first layer of black paint, then I painted the whole badge yellow. Once the yellow was complete, I reworked the horse and text to be flat black. After that, it was only a matter of putting in the green stripe on the top.

Final product
View of the inside

Link to first post in this series:
Painted Boxes for Christmas